Tonight R2 joined members of the 501st and Rebel Legion in a fundraising auction and dinner for the Kidspace Children's Museum. The fundraiser was held in a huge tent on the grounds of a restaurant in Pasadena, CA.

The patrons entered into an area that had many items up for auction, including a Master Replicas lightsaber with an accompanying card featuring George Lucas' signature (such as it is).

I've built R2. I've gone to Dodger fantasy camp. This is the one other thing I've always wanted to do since I was a kid.

Stormtroopers manned the pathway from the registration area to the main entrance, and added a lot to the atmosphere.

(Speaking of atmosphere, if some of my pictures look foggy, that would be due to the fog machine. One neat side effect, it made the light beam coming out of R2's holoprojector look really cool!)
R2 was stationed near the entrance, and virtually everyone who entered stopped for a picture with him.

I'm guessing there were between 300-400 people in attendance.

Jedi also mingled with the guests and were available for pictures.

Vader, Bouschh and the Fett duo were also popular.

One last group picture before wrapping it up.

I don't know how much money was raised, but at $255/plate, and with a huge auction, I have a feeling things went well. (I really wish I could have stayed and bid on that Goodyear blimp ride, but once R2 was in the droidmobile, I had to leave since there was no parking nearby.)
My full photoset (plus a few grainy videos) is