The first item of business was to finish countersinking the holes for the #4 screws that will secure the holoprojectors.

Next, I drilled a couple of "just in case" holes on each side of the two buttons on the back of the dome. I plan to use the same switches from Radio Shack on droid #2 that I used on droid #1, and these do not require mounting screws. But just in case I change my mind someday, I'll have a way of mounting an alternate set of buttons.

I needed to trim a little more space for the top of the rear logic, so I used the Dremel cutoff wheel for that.

I had put off drilling the 5/64" hole at the very top of the dome. I placed the panels on the dome, and marked and drilled the centerpoint.

After that, I located where to drill for the rear logic surround, and drilled the holes for #4 screws.

Next, I removed the dome ring and drilled the remaining holes that were too low to drill when the dome ring was still on.

My new, expensive colander.

Finally, I JB Welded four #4 1/2" in place for the top HP.

I plan to JB Weld the other screws in place during the week, and then I'll put the dome aside for a while, and probably move on to the feet.
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