Wow, that liquid latex worked well! But I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first.
More of the same, I repeated yesterday's exercise for installing the ankle cylinders, this time on the center leg.

While the left cylinder and wedge fit well, the right wedge didn't fit so great. I'm left with either a gap between the wedge and the cylinder, or a gap between the wedge and the leg. My solution? For now, I only have one dowel holding the cylinder in place, and I let the side of the leg support the other side of the cylinder as it "wraps" around the leg's edge (if that made any sense...). The very slight tilt of the cylinder allows the wedge to fit better, and the tilt is not noticeable.

Okay, now back to the power couplers. I really had no idea what to expect from the latex mask. I slowly and carefully unpeeled the latex from the inside ring of the power coupler.

After getting the bulk of the mask out successfully, I used an Xacto knife to trim the edges of the mask on both the main power coupler body, and the power coupler frame.

I must say, it turned out really well. I couldn't be much happier. I gave it the usual loose-fit trial.

I also did some very minor blue paint touch-up on the booster covers and center leg cylinder wedges.
Believe it or not, a second attempt at gluing the left rear coin return
still did not work. I finally realized that even an unopened tube of silicone must have a shelf life. The "new" tube I was using was from December 2005, which I didn't think was that old. Nevertheless, I bought a new tube tonight, and this time the silicone seemed to behave better. Here's hoping the third time's the charm.