First, I lightly sanded the primer on the wooden center foot channel to smooth it out a bit.

Time for three coats of Rustoleum Satin White on each channel.

The first outer foot channel gets its first coat, with several scrap pieces of masking tape going along for the ride.

The center foot channel gets its first coat as well.

A few coats later, and I am done spraying white paint on droid #2!! Some minor dabs with a paintbrush remain for things like screw heads, but as far as I can tell, nothing remains to be spray painted white.

Now that the paint had sufficiently dried on the horseshoes, I removed the masking tape that was protecting the inner perimeter, when the rest of the horseshoes were being painted white.

Only one pair of parts remain to be painted, the wooden booster covers that get painted blue. I might get to those this weekend.
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