I took care of a few miscellaneous items today.
In preparation for applying primer to the legs, I did a quick spot-fill-and-sand of Evercoat on a small chip on the left leg.

I also fixed an annoyance on droid #1. The LDP is held on from underneath using double-stick foam tape. I had three thin layers of the tape to raise it above the skins. That was one layer too many. So I removed the Rockler bearing, pulled the LDP off, removed the tape, and reapplied one fewer layer, and now it looks better.

Finally, I decided the Tape-Ease curved part of the ankles were ready to be glued down.

Apply the glue, and smear it around.

I placed the ankle section down and let the glue set.

And I repeated for the other ankle.

Soon I will fill and sand the seams between the curved part of the ankle and the rest of the leg, and then it will be time to apply primer and hunt for imperfections and repair them.