Around 11:50pm, R2 entered the store early to await the mob. T-minus 7 minutes and counting.

Here is the "before" picture, prior to the mob.

Store managers, just minutes before the opening.

Stampede! With video.

"I think we took a wrong turn!"

Lots and lots of pictures.

The "after" picture. Helmets are still available, but action figures are all gone on the back wall display.

I got out of there around 1:15am. It was a late night, but a fun one.
PS: By the way, the 501st Podcast of the interview conducted during our Robot Chicken Studio Visit is now available here. The segment starts around the 2 minute 20 second mark and ends around the 20 minute 15 second mark. It's very fun to listen to.
Very cool photos and video.
I just realized it took the woman with the little child that enters first 10 seconds to get the figures and come back in shot heading to the registers :)
That's too funny! I hadn't noticed that.
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