Friday, November 09, 2007

Annunciation School Fundraiser

Tonight R2 helped out with Southern California Garrison members Tim and Christine Knapp's kid's school fundraiser. Several Star Wars characters appeared, including a couple of R2 units.

I spent a good part of the evening looking like this, as R2 helped entertain the crowd.

I furnished R2-D2, while Chris Romines supplied R2-A1.

Mike Senna joined us, with his kids dressed in the Ewok costumes he made for them.

Kids and adults stood in line to take pictures with the characters.

Midway through the evening, I managed to break my rear PSI on the dome. It must have snagged on the manual droid lift apparatus. This will be really simple to fix, a little PVC glue tomorrow and it will be good as new. Max Cervantes as Boba Fett looks on in horror/amazement/disgust.

Obi-Shawn Crosby made an appearance with Yoda (or is it vice-versa?). Since when am I in so many pictures???

We wrapped it up with a group picture. I loaded the Droidmobile, and staggered back home pretty tired, but it was another fun event.

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