Monday, May 06, 2024

Star Wars Night at Dodger Stadium - 2024

Tonight was Star Wars Night at Dodger Stadium, and R2 was there to help celebrate the occasion.

I arrived a little before the 4pm call time. Usually I park near the stadium offices, but this time they had me park behind center field, closer to where R2 would be stationed for pictures. I met up with the rest of the group near the changing area, and watched a few minutes of batting practice while the characters suited up.

Around 5pm we headed to our photo-op stations. I unloaded R2 from the droidmobile and drove him to his location. A line quickly formed, and soon it was pictures, pictures, pictures!

Around 6:30pm R2 and I made our way to the area directly behind the center field fence, where another group of fans got pictures. In preparing for this game, I made sure that all the electrical connections were good to go, and they were.

R2 was joined by Darth Vader and the Emperor. Around 6:41 we stepped off onto the warning track, and made our way around the field to the home plate area.

Throwing out the first pitch would be none other than LucasFilm head Kathleen Kennedy. I was able to say hi to her and hop into a group photo with the characters.

I also had my annual meet-up with legendary Dodgers photographer Jon SooHoo.

Just before the first pitch the characters gathered with Kathleen near the third base foul line for more pics and video.

Following that, the characters gathered on the grass behind home plate for the "It's time for Dodgers baseball" announcement.

Once that was done, it was time to motor off the field and to the wheelchair elevator, but not before I got a picture of the dugout.

Next, it was up the wheelchair lift and on out to get R2 back to the droidmobile. I repositioned the car near the offices to avoid having to drive the droid too far.

The Dodgers gave us seats for the game, and I watched the Dodgers close out a 6-3 win over the Marlins.

R2 improved his record to 12-3 with the Dodgers. We hope to be back next year to keep it going.

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