Monday, May 23, 2022

CHOC Visit - Spring 2022

Today R2 and I returned to Childrens Hospital Orange County to visit with the young patients and help brighten their day.

I often bring action figures or stickers or some goodie for the staff to hand out on behalf of R2. On today's visit, my next door neighbor generously purchased a bunch of R2 tamagotchies, so we handed those out.

As usual, I don't have pictures with the patients. Actually, there was one patient whose parent did sign a photo waiver with CHOC, but I'll still refrain from posting. Suffice it to say, we asked about getting a picture because of the sheer delight on his face when he met R2 and got the tamagotchi. His eyes opened huge and I don't think he blinked for a full minute.

I do have a few of pictures of R2 roaming the corridors. It wasn't as empty as it looks.

We visited every patient floor, and wrapped up with a photo of Rebekah and Amber, who helped escort R2 around.

As always, I look forward to returning again.


Anonymous said...

Did you snag a tamagotchi? I remember those.

Victor Franco said...

It's possible there was an extra, and it's possible it is now my burden.