Today I sanded smooth the most recent filling work I did on the R5-D4 utility arms for droid #2.
It was time to turn my attention to drilling the holes in the utility arms that house the pivot rods. Earlier I had made alignment marks, based on the pivot rods in the blue arms (underneath the white arm).
With those marked, I was able to get to drilling. I measured how far I wanted to drill, and put a piece of tape on the drill bit as a depth indicator.
I used an old towel to protect the arms as I set them in a vise for drilling.
I used a level to make sure the alignment mark was, um, level.
The drill also has a level, so I can make sure I'm drilling straight into the resin.
And I drilled the hole.
Compared to the blue arm, the pivot rod depth is a pretty close match.
I repeated the process for the other arm and checked the fit in the droid.
Looks good. I think this is the first time in 4 sets of utility arms that I did this right on the first try for both arms.