Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Temporary Leg Removal

Tonight it was time to tear the legs off of droid #1, as I prepare to cut new pipes for the legs. Recall that I'm doing this because I want to move the legs closer to the body.


Why don't I just cut the exiting pipe down a little bit? Here's why, Swiss cheese.

I have drilled so many holes to bolt the inner and outer pipes together that I've left no room for more (especially since I have 3 U-bolts that need to wrap around the pipes and they need clearance from the bolts). So, new pipe it is.

Another question I had: Would I be able to recycle the wooden shoulder discs that are used to mate the pipe flange on one side to the legs on the other? I figured the holes were unlikely to line up with the new flanges I purchased, and I was right. The holes are just a little off.

Why not just rotate the disc to clear those four old holes and drill four new ones? Note the six outer holes, that need to match up with the holes in the legs so I can bolt the discs to the legs. So... couldn't I just redrill new holes for those as well? Probably not, since at some point there might be overlap. As long as I'm drilling 20 new holes for two discs, I might as well drill them on the brand new discs I cut recently. Lastly, why not recycle the old flange? Because the old pipe is JB Welded in there, and I don't want to try to get it back out and spend years cleaning the threads.

Next up, drilling the new discs.

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