My droid and I waited a few minutes for my badge so we could get in.

Once in, it was time to explore before the crowds were allowed in at 1:00pm.

He is pretty big.

Mike, Amy, WALL•E and Eve showed up right before opening. She floats! (Or at least, it sure looks that way.)

Almost 1:00pm. The crowd is ready to pounce.

And they're off. Some miscellaneous pictures.
Fon Davis' booth is next to ours. Cool!

Michael McMaster arrived with his WALL•E, having just come from shooting with ESPN and Chopper.

"I am your father."
"You may be more machine than man, but I highly doubt that."

Around 7:00pm the show wrapped up, and we locked and covered our droids. I took a picture for tomorrow morning's police report.

We do it again tomorrow!
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