First, I removed the clips from last night's JB Welding session for the perimeter of the inner and outer skins. They seem to be well bonded now.

Next, I worked on reattaching two panels that worked themselves partially loose, but did not completely separate from the back door. I used a toothpick to apply JB Weld to the edges of the panels, taking care not to mess up various autographs on the panels.

About half of this panel detached, so I applied the Office Depot clips where needed.

The other panel was about 3/4" detached, so I again applied JB Weld to its edges, and used even more clips to hold it in place.

While that was set to dry overnight, I turned my attention to the neglected R5-D4 dome work. Earlier I had cut the engine turned aluminum rectangles that go on the neck ring. The aluminum segments themselves were fairly flat.

I used a pen to help shape the curve for each panel.

I iteratively bent and fit each of the 16 panels, until they all fit snugly on the surface of the neck ring.

Sixteen rectangles, (roughly) bent to the same shape.

Here's a loose fit of them on the dome.

I plan to attach them with 3M VHB tape, but first I will do a little dome touch-up, including some mist painting to repair areas that incurred chips as I muddled my way through the dome work. But before any of that, I'll keep working on that back door.
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