Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Cutting Keyways and Keystock with Mike

I recently swapped out my old foot motors on droid #1 with new ones. I plan to keep those old motors on stand-by, and I wanted gears on them. I ordered the 14 tooth gears with a 1/2" bore, but those gears lack a keyway. Thus, I bugged Mike Senna, who has a keyway cutting broach and collar for this task.

This picture is from August 2, 2008:

And this photo was taken today. Some things don't change much.

Two keyways cut, and ready for keystock.

I went back home to cut a couple of segments of keystock. For these motors, the end of the keyway is hammered such that the keystock cannot slide out when the gear is installed, and the motor shaft is cut a bit taller than the gear height, so I don't need the keystock to be welded in place.

I marked where to cut the first piece of keystock.

I used the Dremel with the cutoff wheel to cut the keystock.

I then fitted the keystock into the keyway slot on the motor shaft. Again, the ends of the keyway on the motor shafts are pinched shut slightly.

With the gear in place and locked down with its set screws, the segment of keystock is captive in the keyway slot.

I repeated the process for the second motor.

These motors are ready to go, should they ever need to be pressed into service.

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