Today was day #1 of WonderCon 2024 at the Anaheim Convention Center, and the R2 Builders were there to represent.
Chris Romines, Ross Saggio, Gene Arena and I arrived around 6am and unloaded our droids.
The reason we arrived so early is we were asked by WonderCon if we could help with some media appearances starting at 7am, and we kindly obliged. The droids appeared on the local Fox affiliate KTTV in Los Angeles in four different hours. The first couple of appearances featured members of the Rebel Legion and 501st as well.
The third appearance only featured the droids and the four of us. I was interviewed for that segment.
Once we were done with that, we headed back to the booth to get ready for the 11:00am show opening. And what better way to get ready than with donuts, courtesy of the bearded one, Chris?
Paul Thompson debuted his new octopus droid (I really should know its proper name), as seen in the droid auction scene. We immediately put it to good use.
Larry Wilcox from CHiPs stopped by and chatted with real life law enforcement officer Mike Granek. (Eric Estrada was also present.) Mike was a big fan of Larry's so that was a fun encounter for him.
Once the show opened, it didn't take long for attendees to make their way to the back of the hall to find us.
Avoid standing on the west side of an east-bound dinosaur.
At 3pm I attended Ashley Eckstein's panel, with her husband David helping with the conversation. Ashley spotted me as she was arriving at the stage, and said, "I saw you on the news!" Haha, at least one person I know watched.
Heading back to our booth, we saw the human-sized porg we saw last year. Watch out for that dinosaur!
Everyone should have a Tusken Raider for when their legs are tired.
Some of the droids visited Sid Kroft, along with our favorite Disney+ Jawa Leilani Shiu and DJ Lance Rock. I'm not sure H.R. Pufinstuf approved though.
Baby Yoda, meet Yoda baby.
We had people by the booth all day long.
The show wrapped up for the day at 7pm, but we'll be back at it again tomorrow.