Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Finished On/Off/Dimmer Switch for R5 Dome LEDs

Today I was able to wrap up work on installing the On/Off/Dimmer switch for the LEDs in the R5 dome.

I will use a spring to apply tension to the greeblie/knob on the outside of the dome that will screw onto the screw that I attached to the potentiometer yesterday. Without the spring, the knob would be able to be pulled out from the outside of the dome.

I should be able to find a suitable one in my box-o-springs.

I found one that will do, and test-fit it in the dome.

I cut a small segment of flat PVC and hot-glued it in the dome, locating it against the PVC into which the potentiometer is mounted. This way, when I turn the knob on the outside of the dome, the potentiometer won't rotate with it.

I then desoldered the simple on/off slider switch I had been temporarily using, and wired up the potentiometer. The outside legs act as inputs, and the center leg is the output. I chose the right leg because it's the leg that starts with near-zero resistance when the potentiometer is clicked on.

And... it works!

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