Today was day #2 of WonderCon at the Anaheim Convention Center, in Anaheim, CA. I rejoined all my droid building buddies and their droids for the busiest day of the convention.
It was my turn to bring the donuts, and I performed admirably, if I may say so.
We kicked off the morning with a Mouse Droid parade.
And I was able to get a picture of Kevin Fox as Bossk on the way back. Always a good day when you encounter Bossk and he doesn't capture you.
We had a good mix of droids running around, entertaining the folks.
We followed up our Mouse Droid parade with a regular droid parade, and stopped midway through for people to get photos.
Back at the booth, there's no party like a Jawa party.
I didn't recall there being Tusken Raiders on Endor.
A few of us ventured outdoors to join costumed characters for the big Star Wars group photo.
Once back inside, it was time to get ready for our 5:00pm droid building panel, it was well-attended. (A couple of these pictures were swiped from Tina Bosse and Kyle McMaster.)
And, of course, our post-panel selfie.
We survived another fun day, one more to go.