Saturday, April 18, 2015

Star Wars Celebration Anaheim - Day 3

Today was Day 3 at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, and a fun day it was!

I started off in the R2 Builders room and took some pictures of screen-used R2 props and the tools used to make them.

The room itself was super-busy, as usual.

Michael McMaster and Chopper were asked to go down to the Cantina set for a shoot with, and I came along as Michael's photographer.

Michael controlled Chopper as the diminutive droid did a separate interview with More photography.

After which, I took the controls. Haha!

In the afternoon, mom and dad came to the convention, and I gave them the VIP (Victor's Important Parents) tour.

We ran across Michael McMaster & Chopper, and Gordon Tarpley as C-3PO and visited Rebels voice actress Ashley Eckstein.

In our wanderings we met up with Ian and Amy Martin, and Ian's amazing, scratch-built Salacious Crumb. Ian was C-3PO in the first wedding R2 ever participated in, and later R2 was a guest of honor and Ian and Amy's wedding.

In the late afternoon, Michael and I were asked to bring Chopper and R2 to the Rebels Season 2 Red Carpet event. It was packed with media and fans.

But wait, the day wasn't over! Upon closing of the room, all the builders took their droids down in front of the Sandcrawler for the big group picture.

First we staged behind the curtain.

And then we lined the droids up. My R2 is just to the left of William and Nikki's droid, that is holding their daughter Kayla.

Then, all the builders jumped in for the group picture.

We wrapped the night up with a big pizza party in the R2 Builders room.

After a long, tiring, fun day, we all felt like this Jawa.

Three days down, one more to go!

The full photoset is here.

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