Once again R2 and I were joined by Michael McMaster and Chopper, along with his wrangler Gordon Tarpley, and Chris Bartlett as C-3PO. Paul McCartney, Robert Downey Jr., Steve Carrell, Jennifer Garner, Robert Duvall and many others were roaming around the hotel too!
Unload time, at the not-too-cruel hour of 10:00am.

Today, our mission was to help with photos with the press, and some celebs. The press gets treated pretty well, with food, goodie bags and pics with robots. We were on a green screen background, to comp in something fun. What that was, I don't even know. R2 and C-3PO took turns with Chopper in front of the camera.
Without further adieu, a hodgepodge of pics. (It's not my fault most of the media are female.)

A view out the 12th floor window, over downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood (with the Hollywood sign way off in the distance)..

After we wrapped up, the kids from the cast of the movie "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" took pics with the droids.

Around 6:00pm we packed up and left. You know you're in Beverley Hills when you cross Rodeo Drive. Sorry R2, no gold-plated bling for you today.

It was another good day.
The full photoset is here.