Sunday, June 10, 2012

ICAN Bowling Charity Event 2012

R2 returned to Canoga Park Bowl for the International Child Abuse Network's fundraiser to help fight child abuse and promote prevention education.

Folks paid $15.00 for lunch and two games of bowling. All proceeds went towards the charity.

Attendees also bid on auctioned items, and participated in a raffle.

The stars of the show were the characters, of course. We had a good representation, with Chewie, Boushh, Ewoks, a Jawa, three stormtroopers, a TIE pilot, a Royal Guard, and of course Darth Vader, joining R2.

I was planning to have R2 sit this year out when it came to bowling, but he gave it a shot, by popular demand.

He should have stayed off the lanes. Six tries, six gutter balls. Frankly, I'm amazed they even let us do this!

The Stormtroopers had much better luck.

A lot of money was raised once again this year, and I imagine R2 will be back next year, with or without his bowling shoes.

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