I also lent a hand to Mike and Michael in setting up the adjacent WALL•E Builders booth.

All of us pulled booth duty in our respective booths. Here, Steve Simmons explains his droid to some of the attendees. This was typical of the day we spent in the booth, so I'll spare you 1,000 pictures that are quite similar.

Outside, a droid of a different color - the Google Android - balanced his way about on two wheels, with help from some internal gyroscopes.

Don Bies, the official R2-D2 operator for Star Wars Episodes II and III, and Grant Imahara, who worked on R2 at ILM, and of MythBusters fame dropped by to pay a visit to our booths. From left: Steve Simmons, Mike Senna, Gerard Fajardo, Grant Imahara, Grant McKinney, Don Bies, Matt McCormick, Victor Franco, Michael McMaster and Chris James.

Who better to do the Don Bies droid pose with, than Don Bies? (I need to work on my pose.)

Grant also joined me and my droid for a quick picture, followed by a visit to the WALL•E side of the fence with Mike Senna and Michael McMaster.

After we were done with the show, we caught dinner, and Matt McCormick awarded Chris James with a well-deserved lifetime achievement award.

Tomorrow is day #2. I need to rest!
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