I mentioned earlier that there was a small drip on the paint job on the front outer skin from my recent painting on droid #2. This morning I lightly sanded the drip out.

After sanding, I applied a couple of light coats of paint in the area. By the evening, the paint had dried and the area looked better.

I will probably give both the front and back outer skins another couple of coats of paint anyway, though.
Turning to droid #1, I can't leave well enough alone. Ever since I repainted the dome panels, the paint job on the dome ring, LDP, utility arms and the panel surrounding the front vents has looked inferior in comparison. Luckily for me, I'm taking the next couple of days off as vacation, so I'm going to take this opportunity to repaint these parts.
First, I had to detach the dome electronics from the dome ring, and remove the dome ring.

Next, I removed the utility arms.

Finally, I removed the Rockler bearing and pried out the Large Data Port, and I also pried off the skin panel that surrounds the front vents.

Tomorrow I plan to use acetone to remove the old paint, and I'll add a new coat of primer.

If the weather stays decent, I'll repaint on Friday.