R2 and I were joined by Walter Marconi and R2-LB, along with several members of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion and Mandalorian Mercs.

Families in the area bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate, and they get to interact and take pictures with the Star Wars characters. During the newscast, there are regular reports from the event that showcase the Star Wars characters and other volunteers, including companies that donate a lot of toys, and local fire and police department representatives.
Some evidence:

R2 checked in on the progress. So far, so good!

The event ended up filling 11 buses with toys. There were a few other identical events prior to this one, so lots of kids will be getting gifts.

Toward the end of the event, all of the volunteers gathered for a group shot for the final live report of the evening. Walter was capturing the live feed to the station from the TV truck, and our KABC-TV cameraman/friend/501st member Edgar made sure to the turn the camera to the support team as he walked by. I'm usually not this blurry in real life.

This is one of my favorite events because it helps bring some holiday happiness to those who might not otherwise get a gift, and it has immediate feedback to those watching the newscast, as they can come meet R2 and all the other characters. I hope to be back next year.