The first step is to remove the LM7805 voltage regulator. This worked fine, but can only deliver up to 1 amp of current (vs. the 3 with the UBEC), and runs very inefficiently.

Next, remove the shrink tubing in order to do some unsoldering. I only need to unsolder the +12 wire on the left pin, and the ground wire on the center pin.

With the old wiring and regulator disconnected, I can solder the input lines on the UBEC to +12 and ground.

After that, get the new shrink tubing in place.

Time to test! The power light is on, that's good.

And the output voltage reads a little over 5 volts, which is fine.

I secured the UBEC onto the electronics panel with some Velcro

I verified that it powers up the receiver fine. So it looks like it's good to go.