Today I (barely) relocated where the Sabertooth 2x12RC dome speed controller resides on the electronics board for droid #2. I'm doing this to locate it further from other electronics, to avoid potential electrical noise.
There isn't much room available on the board, but the empty holes show where the board used to be, and I've positioned it to it's new location.
Today I took care of an annoyance on droid #2. The layered shoulders (also known as "horseshoes") had a tendency to wiggle loose a little. I decided to address that by wrapping a little bit of tape around the wooden dowels that are used to mount the horseshoes onto the legs.
In they go, nice and snug.
In fact so snug that once I pressed them in all the way, I think it will be a struggle to get them off the legs if I ever need to remove them again.
More fun with sanding and primer for the R5-D4 utility arms for droid #2. I sanded smooth the filler I applied yesterday, using 400 and 600 grit sandpaper.
I applied some more primer, and found some more imperfections that I obviously missed ealier. Grr.