Today was day #1 of LA Comicon 2018, and R2, the mouse droid, and lots of others were there to represent the various robot clubs.
I arrived around 8:15am at the Los Angeles Convention Center for a 9:00am show opening for early arrivals, and help set up our booths (R2, WALL•E, BB-8 and Mouse Droid Builders).
Meanwhile, the throngs awaited entry.
As the song says, meet the Flintstones.
Per tradition, Chris Romines treats these conventions as build days. I kept waiting for him to ignite his beard on fire, but he never did.
If you need to hire a giraffe, I know a couple looking for work.
Gene, William and I took our droids out and about on the show floor for a while.
I also spent some time hanging out with WALL•E.
Toward the end of the day, Jack Black took the main stage to promote something or other, not sure what.
Day one is in the books, we'll be right back at it tomorrow.