By the time I arrived, the great unloading had begun.

Most of those 50 droids are R2/R4/R5 units, but there were also others.

Of course we had the webcast going as well, although this year we had to use YouTube Live, as the UStream service we used to use with r2la.com has become a paid service (and we're cheap).

This year I dressed up newly weathered droid #1 as R5-D4, and he took a spot along the wall.

Those of us sporting Michael McMaster's inspired R2LA chicken shirts gathered for a group photo.

Baby-8 made an appearance. She may not have that many appearances left, as she barely fits in there now.

At one point during the day, Matt and Chris from the Pacific Northwest conducted an impromptu ceremony to present an award to me, my very own plant stand action figure (search this blog for "plant stand" if you have no idea what this refers too). I was amazed at the accuracy and attention to detail that was put into this (as well as how ridiculous it was).

Shortly thereafter, we staged our droids for the group photo.

Gordon suited up as C-3PO, and among other things participated in our shortest-to-tallest droid lineup. (Somehow a Johnny 5 snuck in there.)

Next up was the Mouse Droid Demolition Derby. There was much derby and even more demolition. (My mouse droid wisely decided to sit that one out.)

Things started to wind down, but not before BB-8 turned on her master.

R2LA XV is now history, and a good one it was. It's always great seeing the new innovations people have come up with, and even better seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I'm already looking forward to next year.