We started off the day at 9:00am with The Breakfast Show, which is a webcast that basically consists of a Mike Senna/Michael McMaster stream-of-semi-conciousness. At one point, McMaster fed a chicken that was perched on Senna's shoulder a chunk of donut from his own mouth. That pretty much sums up The Breakfast Show.

Around 10:00am setup began. Mike has a very nice canopy system that provides shade for the large backyard, so we hoisted that, and set up tables and chairs.

At 11:00am, the event officially kicked off, and we went live on r2la.com. Droids invaded, and it got crowded fast.

The Star Wars Show came by to record some of the event, you can see the segment here, around the 7:27 mark:

For reasons that are difficult to ascertain, the Northwest guys are fascinated by my plant stand (or are at least pretending to be). So my plant stand was a guest of honor, while they poured over it for measurements.

In the afternoon we all went out front for the group picture.

As it started to get dark, we took to the street to race and crash mouse droids. I didn't have the heart to destroy mine just yet, so it sat on the sidelines. Chris Ellerby in particular did a beautiful job with sounds and undercarriage lights, including a police siren and red and blue lights so he could pull over reckless mice.

Around 10:00pm we started cleaning up outdoors and moved indoors for a little while longer, as the crowd started to dwindle and the droids headed home.

It was another wonderful event, and a big thank you go to Mike and Amy Senna for hosting this year after year. It really is something special.
The full photo set is here.