Went to Lowe's with my dad in his Ford Escape. Purchased lumber for frame:
1 piece 4'x8'x3/4" birch plywood, cut in half into two 4'x4'x3/4" 1 piece 4'x8'x1/2" birch plywood, cut in half into two 4'x4'x1/2" Total for R2 lumber: $68.88
Went to Home Depot to check out 4'x8' birch, and ask if it could be cut in 4' x 4' sheets. Couldn't tell if their plywood was birch. They can cut it down, but their saw was out of order for a few days.
Called Rocker store on Tustin Ave. in Orange to see if they have the lazy susan bearing in stock. They said they had one left, so I picked it up. $65.72 out the door.
Aluminum skins by John Sherrell arrived. At least one of the punch-outs from the inner skin (just above the power coupling) is missing, not sure if that will be a problem or not. [Later learned that's okay.] The punch-out to the right of that one was punched-out, but in the box.
Ordered CII and R2LA I DVDs from Mike McMaster.
(Also ordered Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger from Amazon today, credit card starting to take a bruising.)
First post to R2 Builders Group on Yahoo. Post #83209, helped out with R2 notes in picture in Vanity Fair from 2002. Posting looked all malformed due to poor line breaking, probably due to browser issues on my Mac.
Spoke with Mike Senna by phone for about 45 minutes. Equipped with a somewhat nascent R2-building vocabulary, I was able to ask Mike about the details of his R2 construction and other R2 building issues (e.g. tools, sources).