Saturday, September 15, 2012

Comikaze 2012 - Day 1

Today was Day 1 of the 2 day Comikaze Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and the R2 Builders were there in force, with a WALL•E thrown in for good measure. Gene Arena, Chris Romines, and William & Nikki Miyamoto joined me with our droids. Michael McMaster furnished the WALL•E. Ed Perello also dropped by and hung out with us.

The convention is associated with Stan Lee, and was very well attended. I'd guess somewhere between 30,000 and 40,000 fans came out.

I got there nice and early to stand in line for our Exhibitor badges. That was a pretty long line, but it moved at a reasonable pace.

From there, it was on to the booth. The show opened to the public at 10:00am, and the stampede was on. It didn't take long for the crowd to find our booth.

It's not a convention unless Chris is repairing something on his droid.

WALL•E was quite the star as well.

Kayla is taking over the mantle of the Miyamoto stroller droid. You know how some babies know how to swim at birth? The Miyamoto kids instinctively know how to pilot a droid.

After a long day, the convention wrapped up at 7:00pm. We took a few group pictures and called it day.

On our way out of the convention center, the Nokia Theater was just letting out for the early Emmy Awards for Creative Arts. A couple of winners walked by us with trophies in hand, and Michael McMaster congratulated them. "Thank you!"

We'll be back at it again at 10:00am tomorrow. The full photoset is here.

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