Prepping, masking and painting may be an art, but it turns out that unmasking is also an art - one I have yet to master.
Sometimes things turned out fairly well.
More often though, some paint chips came off with the masking tape. I tried using an X-acto knife to help cut the tape away from the paint, but in the end, I found my fingernail was the most effective tool for the job.
Well, I had my handy Uni-Ball Vision Elite dark blue pen ready to fix up those problems. Hiding mistakes is also an art, one with which I've become well-acquainted over the years.
Same deal with the battery box harnesses. Some went relatively well.
Others not so well. Those also got the dark blue pen treatment. I realize liquid latex is another masking option, but I've had similar experiences with it as well. It's just a challenge to unmask four layers of paint and clearcoat.
The ankle cylinders are relatively easy to unmask without damage, as they have nice grooves in them that separate the silver and blue areas. Three out of for sides are unmasked.
Well, from a distance, and in poor light, everything is almost passable.
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